Three virtual exhibits are also offered.
The first one is a a virtual visit offering a 360° view of all the rooms included in the permanent exhibit. A picture is worth a thousand words!
Number two is: The Goldrush; Multiple Mines and one City: A virtual presentation hosted on the website Histoire de chez nous (History of our home) that explains the highlights of the first goldrush through to the second one which had unseen proportions at its peak. The second rush in particular shows Canada’s biggest open pit gold mine: Mine Canadian Malartic.
Number three is:Roc-d’Or the shunned : A virtual exhibit hosted on the website Histoire de chez nous (History of our home). It relates the history of Roc-d’Or, a mining village who used to be situated at the northern limit of the actual city of Malartic. It had a bad reputation that earned it the nickname of “Putainville” (Wenchtown).